Have nothing that you fo not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful. William Morris 1834 - 1896
About The Stoneworks
I started ' The Stoneworks ' around six years ago having worked for two
years with Sally Hodgson as her assistant in the Peak District National Park.
Sally holds the Dry-stone walling association's (DSWA) Master Craftsman's certificate
and is a qualified instructor. Through her I learned to love natural stone and all that
you could do with it. As with other natural materials such as wood, stone rarely looks...
About Me
I started ' The Stoneworks ' around six years ago having worked for two years
with Sally Hodgson as her assistant in the Peak District National Park.
Sally holds the Dry-stone walling association's (DSWA) Master Craftsman's
certificate and is a qualified instructor. Through her I learned to love
natural stone and all that you could do with it. As with other natural
materials such as wood, stone rarely looks out of place wherever you
use it - hence The Stone-Works.
Whereas Sally is very much a purist and resists the use of cement I felt I could see further possibilities.
This led to me applying the same rigorous attention to detail and design as I
had to walling to other projects in stone such as building patios and water features.
To date we have always relied on word of mouth - there is nothing quite like watching
the work in progress and chatting with the owners. That is still a large part of what
we do but I also felt the need, in this day and age, to record and present examples
of our work for anyone to access.
Unlike many builders we only take on one project at a time and see it through to completion.
I am present on every ' build ' . I am always there in a hands- on capacity.
We both prefer not to rush a project no matter how small. Rather than ' empire building ' we've reached a
stage where satisfaction with the work is more important. Memorably, when asked what he
wanted from his walls, one client said,
" whenever I glance at them I want to take a second look and think- yes, that's beautiful."
That sums it up.
I look forward to designing your next project with you, however big or small, and to providing a free estimate.
Kind regards,
Andrew Readman